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Get Ready for Summer Smoking

Get Ready for Summer Smoking

Dialing in the Green Mountain Grills LEDGE

We've now clocked over 80 hours of smoking on the LEDGE from Green Mountain Grills, which probably sounds like more than it is compared to some of the Perth smokers out there. Coming from a background of Big Green Egg smoking, there was definitely a learning curve. Some of the features that make the Green Mountain Grill experience a breeze - not better than the Big Green Egg - but definitely helpful - are;


Favourite Grill Features

  • Wi-Fi Connectivity
  • App for Remote Control
  • Consistent Heat (Effortless)
  • Interior Light (Love being able to see the meat without opening the lid every ten minutes)
  • Meat Probes (I never used to be fussed about the probes, but when you can manage the heat so accurately it makes hitting those important temps super easy)


Green Mountain Grills


Don't Rush

So what have we learned after 80hrs of smoking? Definitely don't rush. That means, plan out your pulled pork delivery - and work backwards from there (i.e. Lunch is at 1pm). Then give yourself an hour or two grace, because something always comes up.  For a 10hr pulled pork, I give myself 14 hours. That gives me a chance to let the pork rest for an hour, I can make a mac'n'cheese and I can refine the BBQ sauce that I'm going to mix through the pork when I pull it.

Don't Drink (too early)

Okay, so we may have failed at this one a little, but that doesn't mean it's not still true. All the 'good 'ole boys' that have been BBQ'ing since they were in nappies will tell you the same thing. Only use the bourbon for the sauce. At least wait until the technical details have been taken care of before you start sipping on the old loud mouth soup.

Enjoy Yourself

Why do we cook, let alone smoke for 10 hours plus, rising at 3am to fire up the grill? Well for me it's about friends, family and connection. Personally, I love feeding people and smoking enough food for 15 people on the Green Mountain Grill makes connecting over a feed really easy. So make sure you enjoy yourself when you fire up the grill. Feed your friends, sip on a beer and share the love.

Until next time Smokers!


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